Thursday, 16 January 2014

16 Jan - Banbury Road - 959.6 miles to go

Xanthoria parietina (Common Yellow Lichen) on Brown's Bridge.
1.5 miles walking to work and back. The photograph is of a lichen on Brown's Bridge. The species is Xanthoria parietina (also known as the Common Yellow Lichen), and is found all over the place if you look for it. Can't help being fascinated by these microscopic jungles, and wonder about the lifespan and ecology of these lowly forms of life. I've read that some lichens, where they aren't disturbed, can be centuries old.

These things are strange life forms, part fungus and part algae (the fungus providing a home for the algae). Some species, including Xanthoria parietina are found all over the world and almost anywhere, and yet we hardly ever notice them. They also host certain species of tiny mite, and cannot reproduce without the mites' help, and there are thousands of different species. An extract fron Xanthoria parietina has been found effective against viral diseases. Amazing stuff. There is, of course, a British Lichen Society.

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