Tuesday, 7 January 2014

7 Jan - Wormleighton and Stoneton - 979.3 miles to go

The object of my walk today was to do a minimum of four miles, and to have a look at Stoneton Moat Farm. This was achieved, the route being Wormleighton village (parking at SP448536), past the small sewage works, the Oxford Canal loop around Wormleighton Hill, the track by the moat and the farmhouse drive (at the farmer's suggestion), then minor roads back to the car.

6.4 miles in just over two hours.

A good walk, although another time I might take the track SW from Stoneton Moat Farmhouse back to Wormleighton.

The earthworks of the medieval villages at Wormleighton and Stoneton were evocative - the ghosts of a life and landscape long gone.

The gatehouse in Wormleighton.

Yet another Wellie walk - it's going to be like this for some time!

Bridge 127 on the Oxford Canal - the papers flapping in the breeze on the left are notices that this bridge is to be lost to the HS2 railway.

Apples from the tree on the left in the previous picture

The bark of the doomed apple tree

Bridge 126 - the point where I exited the canal. The footpath from here is across an open grassy field.

Stoneton Moat Farm

I couldn't find any detailed information about Stoneton Moat Farm (Stoneton Manor on the map). It is the site of a medieval manor house, although the present building is much later.

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